Expert Tips on Choosing Perfect Window-Shutter Colors

Rule number one is to use your poly or wood shutters to round out the existing decor. They can be attractive, but it’s a mistake to make them stand out when the situation doesn’t call for it. Unless your home interior or exterior lacks enough head-turning elements, it’s usually wise to design them in a less obtrusive manner.

The ultimate goal is to make them coexist with major and minor architectural details alike. Pay attention to the current color palette to know which hues to avoid and which ones to consider.

Don’t Match the Trim

Make your wood and poly window shutters complement the color of the trim rather than match it. Similar hues create the illusion of a single piece, which isn’t always visually pleasing. Wholesale Shutter Company agrees that using a different shade of the same color is a safe bet.

Draw Inspiration From Neighbors

No matter how much you value individuality, it pays not to depart too far from the home designs of nearby properties. Notice how your neighbors make their shutters blend into their space, and learn from their strategies.

Respect Tradition

Occasionally, time may have already made the decision for you. If you reside in a traditional home and live in a historic neighborhood, your hands are practically tied when designing your discount shutters. Many architectural periods have predetermined color combinations, which must be observed. Breaking these conventions may hurt your property’s value.

Selecting window shutter colors is easier than you think, but you don’t have to do it alone. Wholesale Shutter Company can help you narrow your best options down while keeping any future home improvements you have in mind. We use ultraviolet-inhibiting paint to combat discoloration, helping our products remain as bold or vibrant for decades as the day they were installed.

Call us at (866) 540-0049 now to learn more about our products and to get your FREE estimate. We serve San Diego and the rest of Southern California.