Window Treatments for Humid Areas in Homes

The humidity level is a factor that should be considered when choosing window treatments. There are certain areas in your home where humidity levels are higher than the rest of the home. In this blog, Wholesale Shutter Company discusses the window treatment products that are best for these areas.

Indoor Areas With High Humidity

The bathroom is probably the first thing that comes to mind when discussing humid areas. The actual humidity levels vary depending on how the bathroom is used. Humidity levels tend to be higher when the occupant often takes hot showers since the steam releases more moisture into the air. Usage habits can also be a factor; some keep the exhaust fan running for another half hour or so after they’ve used the bathroom to reduce moisture in the bathroom.

The kitchen is another high humidity area in your home. The steam from cooking and the frequent use of the kitchen sink release significant amounts of moisture into the air. Another is the laundry area. It may not be as humid as the bathroom or the kitchen, but it has comparably high humidity levels compared to one of the bedrooms or to the living room.

Window Treatments for Humid Areas

These areas need window treatments that will stand up to continuous exposure to humidity. Here are a few window treatments that have been proven to fulfill these requirements:

Moisture-Resistant Fabric – Many types of synthetic fabrics are suitable for use as window treatments. However, you should avoid styles that have many folds, such as drapes and curtains. As they lack airflow, these areas encourage bacteria to thrive, resulting in an unpleasant smell as the bacteria die. Choose something simpler, such as Roman shades.

Wood Shutters – Wood is generally regarded as vulnerable to moisture, but the truth is, as a window treatment, wood is exceptionally resilient. Custom shutters made of wood, if properly cared for, will not warp or rot.

Poly Shutters – Poly shutters are one of the best possible window treatments that are not affected by humidity. Similar shutters made of composite materials, poly shutters are strong, durable and moisture-resistant. They also feature ultraviolet-inhibiting paint that helps prolong their lifespan. Poly shutters also have insulative capabilities and can enhance your existing windows’ energy efficiency.

Wholesale Shutter Company is your leading provider of interior and exterior window shutters. Give us a call at (866) 540-0049, or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Los Angeles and San Diego, CA.