Why You Should Choose Barn Doors Over Pocket Doors

Barn doors are becoming popular over the years due to their versatility, functionality, and appeal. They can work well with various styles. These sliding doors are easy to operate and occupies less floor space.

In this post, your local exterior contractor, Wholesale Shutter Company, discusses why you should choose barn doors instead of pocket doors.


Pocket doors are more on the plainer side while barn doors have more distinctive features. Barn doors are made of wood, giving them a rustic look and finish. They can complement different home styles like farmhouse, modern, and cottage.

At Wholesale Shutter Company, we create custom design shutters and barn doors based on your exact specifications. Our products are designed to complement your home’s looks and provide optimum performance.


Both doors are created to save floor space. They are best installed in bathrooms, closets, and places that require accessibility. Pocket doors are harder and take longer to install since they need to be placed on a track that’s in the doorway and the adjacent wall.

Some walls may need to be opened to install the track while some may not be wide enough to conceal the track. This means that the wall needs to be rebuilt. Aside from that, a load-bearing wall doesn’t have sufficient inner space to conceal pocket doors.

Barn doors are installed across the doorway and on the outside of the adjacent wall. They are easier to install and doors don’t have to be opened or refinished after the track installation. The track can be installed on all walls despite how thin they are. A barn door’s visible track is larger and more decorative than a pocket door track.


Since a barn door is visible and easier to reach, maintenance is simpler than pocket doors. The concealed track of a pocket door can make maintenance challenging. In addition, barn doors are less likely to experience major issues. Problems can easily be fixed as they are more accessible.

Choose Wholesale Shutter Company for durable barn doors that improve your home’s beauty and comfort. We also offer various high-quality window covering options. Call us at (866) 540-0049 or complete our online form for a free quote. We help homeowners in Orange County, CA.